5 Spring Cleaning Tips To Add This Season

5 Spring Cleaning Tips To Add This Season


Clean AirPods Nice + Deep

Rearrange Your Cell Phone Apps

Plan Meet Ups with Friends and Family

Turn Common Areas into Stations

Descale Your Coffee Machine


With warmer sunshine and cooler breezes, this spring season feels refreshing. Usually, this time of year, most of us take extra time to spring clean through those projects we've been putting off since before the holidays. So how did it almost become May? Fear not; feel brighter and lighter by implementing these spring cleaning habits. 


Clean AirPods Nice + Deep


Take all electronics, especially those used during a sweat session, and clean them thoroughly with a cleanser approved for electronics. Here is an affordable tool to help. https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Bluetooth-Cleaning-Earphones-White-White/dp/B09NMDYFFT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=EK8FREZDJPYB&keywords=airpod+cleaner&qid=1650821961&sprefix=airpod+cleaner%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5


Rearrange your phone apps

Sick and tired of staring at your phone all the time? Not likely, but most of us know we should cut back. Why not use our spring cleaning hack and audit your phone screens app placement. What is the appearance of your home screen? How many swipes does it take to find the app for your security system? What apps do you use when you have a long walk, and how long does it take to get music and tracking activated? Have a weekly schedule? Make a photo of it and add it to your lock screen. At first glance, you can immediately make decisions without swiping anywhere. Audit and delete the apps you no longer use. Maybe make sure you're logged out and cancel any subsequent subscriptions. Productivity is essential when reaching goals—listening to an audiobook? Put a widget on the home screen to make it easy to click play and see the title to keep you engaged with your library. Consider completing this app detox at least once a year!


Plan Meet Ups with Friends and Family


When reviewing a monthly calendar, consider time for lunch with friends and different family members. This type of spring cleaning is connected to building community. Call your old friend you haven't seen in a few years. Most likely, they would love to connect over coffee and reflect on the positive miracles life creates when we express gratitude. Not into coffee or fussy about food? Call your cousin to do a local beach cleanup. On Earth-day, people worldwide participate in Earth beautification events to deliver service and create impact. Engaging in these events with friends and family is a great way to build togetherness after such an absence. 


Turn Common Areas into Stations


If you have little ones bumping around, chances are everyone's hands are always full, and there are a lot of little (and ample. i.e., highchair) supplies that require order if you're using them every day. Having everyday items set up for use will shave time on your schedule and make for a successful spring cleaning. This type of spring cleaning involves a physical space to appear aligned and organized to optimize the most common activities. Having a station can apply to workout gear, shoes, purses/totes, coffee, and tea. Children having a station for everyday items can avoid their loss of them. Adding responsibility creates a sense of self for the family unit.


Descale Your Coffee Machine


If you are a colossal coffee drinker and not every cup comes from Starbucks, holler at your girl. My summer hot mama hack is to buy Starbucks' reusable cup package of five and make a daily iced coffee of my choice right at home in my kitchen. These cups also double as great water cups. A total-performing coffee station is a must for most mamas and dadas alike. Most newer coffee machines will notify you if descaling should be necessary. Check with your coffee machine maker's guide to ensure you properly handle that task. While you're at it, switch out your refrigerator's filter. Anything used every day should get a once over this time of year. Planning for maintenance and repairs before they become costly saves time and money. Having the best filtration is the goal here. Clean water consumed makes for feeling good and looking your best!



Take these overlooked spring cleaning tips and make sure you clean up areas of life that physically and mentally take up space. Make space for what you love and let go of the rest. Is it broken, or have you not used it in a year? Let it go. Make room for more of what makes you smile. What lights you up? Clean earphones ensure healthy ear canals. Organizing and deleting old apps can not only save time but money on unwanted subscriptions. Having that playlist at your fingertips when you finally have geared up to run around the neighborhood helps. With all that new time saved, call your friend or cousin for coffee. Making it a point to see each other in between life's bigger moments can be refreshing. Hopefully, some of these suggestions will help you spring clean out your space and mind. 


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